Coarse Material Washers are used to wash coarse sand or crushed stone and gravel to dewater the cleaned material sufficiently so it can be conveyed to storage. They are also usedGrizly feeders are used to seprate raw materials into two factions to send to the primary crusher Only the largest elemets and to eliminate the undersize. In quarries this operation is to avoid sending to the crusher material which does not need to be crushed. Grizzly feeders are heavy-duty pan feeders with Grizzly sections added to the pan suface. They perform both scalping and feeding in a single unit and are designed for impact loading and heavy burdens.when installed ahead of primary crusher it performs coarse sizing and provides a controlled, high-capacity flow of material. It eliminates crusher overload due to material surges. It also reduces crusher wear and maximizes crusher capacity by bypassing material already at or below desired size, in some installations to assist with the removal of lignite, mica, bark, leaves and trash